Wayne Lodge #416

1932 Ridge Road, Ontario, NY 14519
GPS Longitude: -77.271751 | GPS Latitude: 43.21957

Meetings 2nd & 4th Wednesdays (September 2023 - June 2024)
Looking for a place to host your Birthday, Retirement, or Anniversary Party? How about a Concert or a fundraiser? Consider renting our Masonic Hall. The Lodge Rental Agreement, Lodge Usage Form, and Alcohol Waiver forms are available below.

Click the underlined text to View, Edit, and Print the document, then use the button to download it. Once complete you can scan them and email them to our Trustees using the email link below, or using the same link set up an appointment to see the building and drop off the paperwork. You can also use the email link to get more information about renting the Hall.

We look forward to helping you host your next event!

Lodge Rental Agreement

Lodge Usage Form

Alcohol Waiver

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