Wayne Lodge #416

1932 Ridge Road, Ontario, NY 14519
GPS Longitude: -77.271751 | GPS Latitude: 43.21957

Meetings 2nd & 4th Wednesdays (September 2023 - June 2024)


Below are the names and details, when available, of the Brothers of
Wayne Lodge that have served America in its Armed Services

Brethren from Wayne Lodge Who Served in World War II 1941 - 1945

Brother Brother Brother
Grafton E. Alexander Harold DeLass Wolcott Morgan
Donald Anderson John DeMinck Martin G. Norton
Elwood W. Baker Randall M. Durkee Nolan L. Powell
William Bassage Charles R. Funnell Rexford A Ransley
Gerald K. Becker Wayne Herman Victor Rowe
Parker N. Bridges Floyd J. Keymel Elmer Schimerhorn
Clyde A. Briggs Elton B. Lake Norman Shaffer
Paul S. Carr Walter Leary John F. Vander Brook
Paul Coomber Norman R. Loomis, M.D. Clarence Vosseler
Loerrane Cornelius F. Donald Merhoff Ernest L. Wiedrich
Warren C. Davis Alvin Michaelsen David E. Whitmarsh

Brethren from Wayne Lodge Who Served in the Korean War 1950 - 1953

Brother Brother
Gerald K. Becker Harry L. Norton

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